Q & A – Federal Health Architecture: An Interview with Kathleen Heuer
Kathleen Heuer is the deputy assistant secretary, Budget, Technology and Finance, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). She discussed the Federal Health Architecture at the Digital Healthcare Conference sponsored by the Wisconsin Technology Network in June 2004.
Six Sigma: Reducing Surgical Site Infections Through Six Sigma & Change Management
Hospital-acquired infections represent a significant patient safety concern, causing increased injury, mortality, and healthcare costs. In 2002, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched a national quality improvement project aimed at reducing the occurrence of postoperative surgical site infections (SSIs).
Computerized Physician Order Entry – CPOE at a Community Hospital: First Steps
The crescendo of recommendations from regulatory, clinical, payer, and purchaser groups touting applications such as computerized physician order entry (CPOE) as solutions to unacceptable error rates is hard to ignore.
Information Systems: Web-Based Tools Aid Quality Improvement Projects
Clinicians naturally seek improvement and evaluate alternate ways to provide appropriate and optimal care for their patients. While many healthcare organizations have embraced TQM (total quality management), Six Sigma, PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), and other data-driven methodologies…
Editor’s Notebook: Our First Issue
Welcome to the newest periodical in the dynamic world of patient safety: Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare (PSQH).Our goal is to provide “news, science, research,” and a forum for “opinion” to people from all quarters…
Focus Study: Osteoporosis – Screening & Treatment for the Elderly
Fractures resulting from minimal trauma result in significant morbidity and mortality in the elderly. These fragility fractures are related to underlying osteoporosis.
Information Systems: Case Study #4 – From Reports to Continuous Feedback: Real-Time Dashboards
Leaders of healthcare organizations often must rely on monthly or quarterly meetings to assess their organization’s readiness for the Joint Commission survey. As a result, key leaders typically cannot assess the current “health” of their organization…
Information Systems: Case Study #3 – Using Information Technology to Improve Data Quality and Speed Feedback
Like many facilities, executives and risk managers at ValleyCare, a multi-facility healthcare system in the San Francisco Bay Area, knew that their paper-based process for managing incidents was inadequate.
Information Systems: Case Study #2 – Easing the Burden of Accreditation and Compliance Requirements
When the Joint Commission coordinator for a 300-bed community hospital in the South heard about JCAHO’s new staffing effectiveness standards, she knew that compliance would be hard work, requiring data collection across the organization.
Information Systems: Case Study #1 – Missouri Hospital Association: Reducing the Burden of Public Reporting
Between JCAHO’s Core Measures, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Seventh Scope of Work, state hospital association public reporting requirements, and NRMI (National Registry of Myocardial Information) and other performance improvement projects, healthcare organizations may face the need to collect the same data…