Simulation Learning: Advancing Medical Education and Patient Safety through Simulation Learning
Medical education has traditionally relied on training with real patients in actual clinical settings. While hands-on, experiential learning is indispensable, medical educators are increasingly concerned about, and committed to, the safety of patients.
Quality Metric – Proceedings from the Quality Colloquium: Implementing Evidence-Based Guidelines and Reporting Results Through a Quality Metric
Although it is generally acknowledged that evidence-based medicine (EBM) reflects expert consensus about the standard of care in specific disease processes, implementing guidelines that incorporate EBM meets with a great deal of resistance.
The Patient in Patient Safety
Five years after the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued its report To Err Is Human (1999) with its all-too-familiar statistics of medical errors in hospitals, little has changed.
Error Reduction – Stop The Noise: Reduce Errors by Creating a Quieter Hospital Environment
In the typical hospital environment, sounds of beepers, alarms, machines, telephones, and voices are considered “usual and customary” — normal to those who work there and those who watch the television show “ER.”
MEDDIC-MS: Blood lead toxicity screening. Targeted performance improvement measure
Children in Medicaid are considered to be at risk for exposure to sources of lead poisioning in their living environment.
MEDDIC-MS: Key Words & Acronyms
MEDDIC-MS: Wisconsin’s New Quality Performance Measure System for Medicaid Managed Care
MEDDIC-MS is an automated, rapid-cycle managed care quality performance measure system for Wisconsin’s Medicaid/BadgerCare HMO program.
View From the Hill – 2005: Another Key Year to Promote Quality Healthcare
As the new calendar year started, the 109th Congress came roaring into town, and President Bush was inaugurated into office for a second term. Then for the second time ever, the president promoted improving healthcare in his 2005 State of the Union address to the U.S. Congress.
Proceedings from the Quality Colloquium: Evidence-Based Medicine and Long-Term Care
Pennsylvania, which has the third largest senior population in the United States, is in a unique position to lead in setting the standard of long-term care quality.