Barcoding and RFID: Automatic Identification
Two automatic identification technologies, neither “new” in the sense of being recent developments, are vying for acceptance in the healthcare field.
Barcoding and RFID: Barcoding to Enhance Patient Safety
The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCCMERP) defines a medication error as “…any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use…
Barcoding / RFID Resource Directory: Page 2 of 3
This resource directory provides a listing of companies that offer barcoding and/or RFID technologies to healthcare clients.
Barcoding / RFID Resource Directory
This resource directory provides a listing of companies that offer barcoding and/or RFID technologies to healthcare clients.
What Really Ails Us? – Part II Patient Monitoring: Finding Trouble Early
Nurses and interns need high specificity alerts: if the alarms goes off, it’s likely to be significant. Residents and supervisors need high sensitivity alerts: the alarm catches events that, if ignored, could develop into a failure to rescue.
Technology & Quality – Consumer-Directed Healthcare: Increasing Demand for Quality Data
Driving forces including escalating healthcare costs, global economic competition, and various incentives provided by the federal government make consumer-directed healthcare (CDH) programs the newest and most promising approach to delivering higher quality and cost efficient healthcare.
Q & A: The Future of National Healthcare Infrastructure
PSQH recently talked with Jim Demetriades, CEO of SeeBeyond Technology Corporation, about efforts to create healthcare infrastructures that make patient medical records available across organizations, regions, and countries, both in the U.S. and internationally.
Promoting Quality Outcomes: Keeping Patients Safe and Promoting Quality Outcomes. Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Care Management
Wound, ostomy, and continence (WOC) nurses provide improved outcomes for patients needing WOC care management. They add value (improved quality, access, satisfaction, and reduced cost) by…
View from the Hill: National News at HIMSS Leadership Summit
Even though it is summertime, we are in the midst of dramatic developments forÝimproving patient safety.
Faster Time to PTCA: Improving Safety, Communication, and Satisfaction
In June 2003, Stony Brook University Hospital, a 504-bed tertiary care facility on Long Island, New York, performed a review of door-to-PTCA (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) times, which revealed…