Care Management: Ensuring Successful Care Management
The healthcare industry is facing a multitude of challenges. An aging population, clinical staff shortages, ongoing medical advancements, increased consumer demand for information, and a growing number of people living with chronic diseases are causing healthcare stakeholders to re-evaluate the way they view healthcare.
Breast Health Services: Improving Access and Quality for Breast Health Services
In response to an overwhelming community need, Staten Island University Hospital in New York decided to develop a “breast center” approach to the provision of breast health services. Quality improvement is a core element of the hospital’s mission and is integrated into our planning process, so outcome measures were an integral part of this initiative.
What Really Ails Us? – Part III: Building a Comprehensive Safety Net
This is the last in a series of three articles regarding the potential to improve patient safety through the use of effective information-technology (IT) solutions.
AHRQ: The New Effective Health Care Program
When consumers shop for a new car, the latest electronic gadget, and many other types of products or services, a wealth of comparative information awaits them on newsstands and online.
Patient Care Visibility: Improved Patient Care At A Glance
Today’s doctors and nurses are tethered to all manner of gadgets and devices — telephones, pagers, faxes, overhead pages, white boards, desktop computers, charts — in an attempt to facilitate the movement of information throughout the hospital enterprise.
Technology & Quality – Standardized Performance Measures: A GPS for Quality
Management gurus speak reverently of the cliché, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.” Looking at the disappointing quality outcomes of a healthcare system that spends more per capital than any other country in the world, it is clear there is not a whole lot of measuring going on.
Proceedings from the Quality Colloquim: What If We Just Said, “I’m Sorry”?
The heated debate surrounding the medical malpractice crisis has left many doctors, insurers, attorneys, and patient advocates looking for “middle ground” solutions.
Viewpoint – King Drew Medical Center: Eye of the Storm
Hurricane Katrina taught government and society many lessons. Among others, it laid bare our American healthcare system’s failures. The task of reconstructing a sensible healthcare system for the United States is urgent.
Technology & Quality – Personalized Medicine: Just for You
Over the past decade consumers garnered great control over their treatment plans. Physicians are working in a more collaborative manner than ever with their patients to review care options and formulate treatment approaches.
Technology Applications: Informed Consent Enters a New Age
Informed consent serves an important role in hospitals across the country. Typically packaged as a single form or series of forms, the informed consent process ideally serves as a way to educate patients about conditions, treatment alternatives, benefits, and risks of a procedure.