New Technology Addresses Maternal Health Monitoring in Healthcare Deserts
Two organizations have partnered together to offer a new remote patient monitoring and advanced analytics option aimed at improving access and adherence to clinically recommended testing, especially for at risk populations using a portable solution that facilitates earlier identification of complications.
It Takes a Community to Support a Pregnancy
The United States spends 17.8% of its GDP on healthcare, nearly twice as much as the average OECD country. Yet despite this spending, we currently have a healthcare system largely designed to attend to clinical variables, which, according to some studies, impact only 20% of county-level variation in health outcomes, while social determinants of health (SDOH) affect as much as 50%.
Cybersecurity and Healthcare: Why the Industry Must be Vigilant About New Vulnerabilities
Across the country, healthcare executives are meeting with the FBI and taking extra security measures within their IT systems. Outsourcing and off-shoring IT governance is falling out of favor as an industry practice. Budgets are tight, but hospitals and health systems are expected to pour more internal resources into revamping their IT security in 2024 than ever before.
Stroke Management with Teleneurology
The number of neurologists already doesn’t cover the demand for their services, and they are also distributed unevenly, creating so-called “neurological deserts” where patients don’t have access to quality neurological care.
Addressing Quality in an Ocean of Healthcare Apps
Consumers not only have a dizzying array of choices to make but are often shepherded into unique digital tools based on their interaction with healthcare—and reaching a breaking point where too much choice leads consumers to decision paralysis and the choice to not interact with those tools at all.
Simple Visuals Enable Improved Vitals Monitoring
Since monitoring vital signs was first digitized in the 1970s, a lot has changed. The population has evolved, people live longer, therapies have vastly increased, and so the amount of information that can be made available about an individual patient has also increased.
Using Emerging Technologies to Improve Patient Experience
Opportunities present themselves where machine learning, improved integration, and customer self-service options can remove some of the administrative burden on staff so they can focus more of their attention on patient interactions, pulling information from texts, call logs, the EHR, and more, and provide them to staff in an easily digestible format. Are there ways healthcare can leverage AI to improve the patient experience?
Augmented Reality Makes a Difference in TKA
The intent is to enable surgeons to make quick assessments and micro-adjustments to their surgical plan, removing the need for the imprecision of traditional instrumentation with more control than robotics.
Reducing Pregnancy Complications Through Staffing and Technology
According to the CDC, the infant death rate in the U.S. rose by 3% in 2022, climbing to 5.6 deaths per 1,000 live births. How is evidence-based perinatal research able to affect new care practices to address pregnancy-related complications and what can the industry do to improve clinical decisions and early interventions?
ABQAURP News December 2023
Happy Holidays! ABQAURP wishes you a happy Holiday Season and a joyful New Year! May 2024 bring happiness, peace, and prosperity to you and your family.