Editor’s Notebook: Ten Years of PSQH

Editor, susan.psqh@gmail.com

Ten years, 60 to-press deadlines, more than 240 feature articles, at least that many columns—thinking about how much material we’ve published in 10 years gives me pause, and that’s only in print. Since 2007, we’ve also been publishing news and original content online (blog posts, “online first” articles, plus sponsored webinars and white papers).

I have always been impressed with the generosity of the safety and quality improvement community. In addition to supporting each other and people new to improvement work, individuals and organizations—including those listed to the left—contribute to this effort in many ways. The American Board of Quality Assurance and Utilization Review Physicians deserves special mention as the founding sponsor, providing PSQH as a benefit of membership for 10 full years. The American Society for Quality, National Patient Safety Foundation, and its membership organization, the American Society of Professionals in Patient Safety, are also long-time supporters who have aided in our distribution. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices consistently improves our coverage of medication safety by contributing articles on a regular basis. We’ve benefitted in many ways from strong connections with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, The American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society, and others. The constant danger of acknowledging contributors is to inadvertently overlook someone; I offer apologies to anyone or group I neglect to mention. 

Members of our Editorial Advisory Board (listed on page 4), plus others who I’ve occasionally asked for help, have taken time out of their busy schedules to review manuscripts, help guide the editorial focus of the publication and, in may cases, contribute articles of their own. The review process deserves special mention; I am often amazed at the level of caring and detail offered through review to authors, but also to me, as the learning process benefits me as much as authors.

Many commercial companies, including some that have supported this effort from the beginning—keep the business side of PSQH healthy. They also contribute important content from time to time—articles, webinars, commentary, and advice—that enhances what we offer to readers.

Authors are our pivotal contributors. Without their expertise and experience, there would be no PSQH. I continue to be impressed with the openness, generosity, and patience they consistently bring to the lengthy process of preparing an article for publication. The detailed conversation that develops through the process is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work, and I’m continually grateful to those who engage in it with me.

Of course, there are also my colleagues at Lionheart Publishing, including President John Llewellyn, without whom PSQH would not exist. Working with me, across 1,100 miles, poses its own challenges, which we’ve been able to navigate successfully now for more than 10 years.

In no way does this represent an ending. Conversely, this 10th anniversary gives our future planning a nudge. Please see “Looking to the Future of Patient Safety”, in which many experts in patient safety generously help us look ahead toward the next five years and beyond.