Getting Ahead of Lymphedema with Proactive Testing
Recent updates from the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers now include bioimpedance spectroscopy as a key tool for preventing lymphedema—a debilitating condition that impacts up to one in five breast cancer patients as a result of cancer treatment.
Using Text Messaging to Improve Patient-Reported Outcomes
Patient-reported outcomes have taken on increased importance as providers seek greater insights into the real-life impact of their treatments and services. When successful, these efforts can decrease the need for additional, expensive, and avoidable treatments and services.
Focusing on Maternal and Infant Health in 2025
ProgenyHealth, a leader in maternity and NICU care management, has released its 2025 key trends and insight report, “Steep Challenges & Uneven Progress,” which identifies key areas within maternal and infant health to watch for in the year ahead for health plans, hospitals, and healthcare providers.
Addressing Burnout Through Education and Technology
Burnout took center stage during the pandemic as medical professionals began leaving the industry, but it remains a multifaceted crisis in 2025. What can organizations do to optimize their workflows, streamline front-office processes, and enhance the quality of care?
Improving the Call Center Interaction Experience for Patients
It’s a common thread in modern medicine: patients struggle to get care they need in a timely manner because they can’t reach their physicians. As we look for ways to improve communication between patient and provider, is there room for automation to pave the path between the two?
Keeping the Lights On
The challenges of maintaining 24/7 operations during construction, meeting ambitious sustainability goals, and navigating staff and budget constraints can strain even the most resilient systems. Healthcare facilities are turning to phased construction methods, scalable infrastructure design, and holistic planning approaches to meet these challenges.
Improving Care Through Better Interoperability
As healthcare works toward improved patient safety, more secure interoperability, and increased collaboration in an evolving regulatory landscape, there is much on the line to get it right.
GenAI and Patient Choice: A New Era of Informed Healthcare
Informed choice, unlike informed consent, considers a given patient’s values and preferences in their care/treatment decisions. By better informing patients of their options leveraging emerging technology, healthcare organizations can begin to trim unnecessary spending and improve healthcare experiences to help achieve the triple aim of healthcare.
The Future of Pharmacy Cost Containment in 2025
As the industry moves through the first half of 2025, there are three top-of-mind pharmacy trends for professionals to monitor and strategically narrow in on, examining their potential impact on patient safety, total drug spend, and the overall quality of healthcare.
Preventing the Spread of Infection Through Pest Control
Understanding the common pests that affect healthcare facilities, how they enter, and the best strategies and techniques for prevention and mitigation is a critical component of protecting patient safety and wellbeing.